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Lao Cai provinc organizes Fireworks show for New Year's Eve 2024

09/02/2024 29/01/2024

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To celebrate the New Year 2024, Lao Cai province will organize low-level fireworks displays at 5 locations on New Year's Eve.

Accordingly, Lao Cai will organize low-level fireworks displays at 5 locations, including:

- 02 points in Lao Cai city: 01 point in Dinh Le street area, Kim Tan ward, Lao Cai city, with 90 fireworks displays; 01 point at the roof of The Manor Tower Lao Cai, Tran Hung Dao Avenue, Bac Cuong Ward, with 120 fireworks displays.

- 01 point in Bac Ha district: Central Stadium, Bac Ha town, Bac Ha district, with 90 fireworks displays.

- 01 point in Bao Thang district: Cultural Park area, Pho Lu town, Bao Thang district, with 60 fireworks displays.

- 01 point in Van Ban district: Lakeside campus area No. 1, Khanh Yen town, Van Ban district, with 90 fireworks displays.

Time: The evening of February 9, 2024 (New Year's Eve), with a duration of no more than 15 minutes/01 point.

Assign the Provincial Military Command to preside over and coordinate with the People's Committees of Bac Ha, Van Ban, Bao Thang districts, Lao Cai city and relevant departments and branches to make estimates, order artillery and develop a firing plan. Fireworks according to the quantity, time and location mentioned above; ensuring security and order, absolute safety, fire prevention and fighting, environmental protection and related regulations in accordance with Decree No. 137/2020/ND-CP dated November 27, 2020 and Decree No. 56/2023/ND-CP dated July 24, 2023 of the Government.

Assign the Provincial Police to develop a plan to ensure security and order, traffic safety, and fire and explosion prevention at fireworks display areas in the province.

Assign the People's Committees of Bac Ha, Van Ban, Bao Thang districts and Lao Cai city to preside over mobilizing businesses, organizations and individuals to sponsor the above fireworks displays.

Trong Duy


Sample Plan

Sample Plan