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What conditions do visitors to Lao Cai need to ensure?

09/07/2021 11703 0
Lao Cai tourism is open to all domestic tourists, except visitors from epidemic areas that are under blockade or social isolation according to Directive No. 16/CT-CP. The list of epidemic areas is updated according to information from the Ministry of Health.
The Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control has just issued Plan No. 283/PA-BCD dated June 29, 2021 on the management of vehicles and people on road transport vehicles to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic when to Lao Cai province. Whereby:

&In case people and vehicles come from provinces and cities with COVID-19 epidemic but are not in the blocked area.

All people on the vehicle (including: driver, service staff, passengers riding, people following the vehicle) are allowed to enter Lao Cai province when meeting at least one of the following conditions (except for the following conditions): priority vehicles, official duty vehicles):

Having a negative Realtime-PCR test certificate for SARS-CoV-2 within 5 days from the date of testing;
Having a Certificate of rapid testing within a maximum of 2 days from the date of testing (in case a certificate of SARS-CoV-2 testing is not available, a quick test must be performed at a paid quarantine point). or carry out transshipment of goods);
Have a certificate of having received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine for at least 4 weeks or having received 2 full doses of vaccine;

If one of the three conditions above is not met, visitors will be tested quickly at the quarantine point and pay a fee of 210,000/person. Results in 15 minutes.

In addition, all passengers are required to make a medical declaration before the vehicle departs. If there are passengers on the vehicle traveling from a blocked area (area isolation), a 21-day quarantine must be carried out according to regulations. Others must make medical declarations, self-monitor their health at home, limit contact, and implement epidemic prevention and control measures as prescribed.

For vehicles: Arrange passengers not exceeding 50% of the number of seats according to vehicle registration; passengers sit 1 seat apart; for sleeper bus with no more than 30 people/1 vehicle (this regulation does not apply to sleeper bus with partition passenger compartment); A registered taxi with 5 seats can only carry a maximum of 2 passengers/car, a registered car with 7 seats only carries a maximum of 3 passengers/car.

&In case people and vehicles come from provinces and cities without COVID-19 epidemic

All people on the vehicle (including the driver, service staff, passengers, and passengers) who are allowed to enter Lao Cai province must make a medical declaration before the vehicle departs. When entering the epidemic control points in Lao Cai province, they must wear a mask, disinfect their hands, have their body temperature checked, and make a medical declaration of the place of departure, travel itinerary and destination in Lao Cai province. .

For vehicles: Arrange passengers not exceeding 50% of the number of seats according to vehicle registration; passengers sit 1 seat apart; for sleeper bus with no more than 30 people/1 vehicle (this regulation does not apply to sleeper bus with partition passenger compartment); A registered taxi with 5 seats can only carry a maximum of 2 passengers/car, a registered car with 7 seats only carries a maximum of 3 passengers/car.

At the checkpoint, the declaration time takes place quickly, only 3-5 minutes and you write all the information: travel history, medical declaration, temperature measurement and destination.

Those of you in Hanoi who want to travel to Lao Cai should go to the National Vaccine Institute - No. 1 Nghiem Xuan Yem (Near Dau Bridge - Linh Dam), Hanoi to do the test. The test room is located right on the street (in the morning until 11 am, the results will be available on the same day), remember to take a photo of your ID card when you go. Test fee is 300k/person (2,3,4,5...person). Retail test fee 734k/person.

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