The Cam Duong Revolutionary
The Cam Duong Revolutionary
The Cam Duong Revolutionary
The Cam Duong Revolutionary
The Cam Duong Revolutionary


Price: Free


Time to visit a place: phút

Open Time: 12:00 AM - Close Time:


Address: Cam Đường - Thành Phố Lào Cai Xã Cam Đường, Thành phố Lào Cai, Lao Cai Province

The Cam Duong Revolutionary Road was recognized as a relic of revolutionary history under Decision No. 1568 / QD-VH dated April 20, 1995. This is where the Cam Duong Branch, the first rural area was established on 10/9/1948, based in the home of Mr. Tai Village. In Cam Duong Commune, Mr. To Vu was appointed Secretary of the Cell. Cam Duong branch was a great victory of our Party, awakening all classes of people towards the Revolution. In October 1948, the Central Party delegation to Cam Duong - Lao Cai to check the movement, the Lao Cai Party Committee decided to take the place in the valley of Village 1 Cam Duong is the center of the revolutionary base, by Because of this, the area is quite favorable for the construction and development of the grounds. In the newly established days, the Provincial Party Committee has proposed various forms of struggle, namely the launch of guerrilla warfare liberating each region. With the combination of political struggle and armed struggle, it created a revolutionary atmosphere that attracted many people to participate in the revolution. In the expanded conference of the provincial Party Committee held at Soi Times on the establishment of the Branch ... View more




The Cam Duong Revolutionary Road was recognized as a relic of revolutionary history under Decision No. 1568 / QD-VH dated April 20, 1995. This is where the Cam Duong Branch, the first rural area was established on 10/9/1948, based in the home of Mr. Tai Village. In Cam Duong Commune, Mr. To Vu was appointed Secretary of the Cell. Cam Duong branch was a great victory of our Party, awakening all classes of people towards the Revolution.
In October 1948, the Central Party delegation to Cam Duong - Lao Cai to check the movement, the Lao Cai Party Committee decided to take the place in the valley of Village 1 Cam Duong is the center of the revolutionary base, by Because of this, the area is quite favorable for the construction and development of the grounds.
In the newly established days, the Provincial Party Committee has proposed various forms of struggle, namely the launch of guerrilla warfare liberating each region. With the combination of political struggle and armed struggle, it created a revolutionary atmosphere that attracted many people to participate in the revolution. In the expanded conference of the provincial Party Committee held at Soi Times on the establishment of the Branch and set up the base, in addition to the delegates of the communes, the conference also convened full of cadres, the public enlightened and participated. Revolution. Indicate the purpose of the establishment of the base area is to unite the entire people to stand up for the revolution, to expel colonialists and clans of henchmen, liberate the nation from slavery and exploitation. The establishment of the Branch and Area has made the cadres and people of the ethnic groups in the area in particular and the whole province more confident in the cause of the revolution and the people's resistance to victory. A local guerrilla platoon was formed in each commune with 1 to 2 squadrons. In the beginning of December, 1948, preparations for the armed struggle of the masses were rushed, the enemy found the organization to arrest officers but failed, they arrested some people including Comrade Hoang Sao . The enemy uses all tricks to seduce and torture many torturers, but he is still a loyal to the Party with the revolution. Faced with this situation, the Cam Duong army and people proposed the province to carry out the insurrection of the people and succeeded.


(From total review)

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