Open Time: 08:00 - Close Time: 22:59

Phone: 0964508020

Address: 172 Soi Tiền Phường Kim Tân, Thành phố Lào Cai, Lao Cai Province

Cổng TTĐT Du Lịch

Hao cha

Cuisines: Vietnamese food   Fast foods   Streets  

Average Price / People : 5,000 đ - 70,000 đ


Are you looking for a comfortable and cool milk tea shop during your trip? Come to Hao cha - the ideal stop for those who love milk tea - spicy noodles. Hao cha is located at 172 Soi Tien - Kim Tan Ward, just a few steps away from the food court and ... Xem thêm

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Enjoy warm space and delicious meals with relatives and family.


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Open Time: 08:00 - Close Time: 22:59

172 Soi Tiền Phường Kim Tân, Thành phố Lào Cai, Lao Cai Province


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Offline/ birthday place

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