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21/05/2021 6794 0
With a set of paintings to worship the Red Dao people in Lao Cai, it is considered a treasure that every family must have. The preparation stage of drawing paper is very important because it is necessary to use do paper with thin, tough and good moisture absorption. In the past, the Red Dao people used to use hand-made paper with straw, but now, on the market, they do not make it themselves, but go to the market to buy it. Before painting, the sheets of dó paper are glued in folds according to the size of the drawing paper (5 to 7 layers of paper). Paper glue is made from a special glue, with high adhesion strength, made from glutinous rice flour and buffalo skin and a resinous forest tree. The process of mixing colors is also very complicated because these colors are all made from natural medicinal plants, such as green from indigo, red color used for juniper trees, yellow using turmeric and roots of the era, purple color. Use sticky rice leaves…. Each color in the worship picture has a meaning and shows its own prestige. Yellow represents a good harvest, red is the color of prosperity and luck, green represents understanding, and so on. A set of worship paintings has many distinct nuances and aesthetic values ​​with strange, long, narrow and dense layouts of divine characters. The gods in the picture also follow a social rule, people with great power will be drawn large and occupy the center position, while the less powerful gods will be drawn with a smaller and simpler size. In a picture frame, people encounter all different layers of space, time, virtual reality with all kinds of ghost scenes, from the ground to the sky, from mountains to rivers to the sea, from hell to fairyland. depending on the artist's imagination. That makes the space of the painting vast and the time in the painting endless without being pinned at any point in time.

In order to have a beautiful worship picture, it is also necessary to have a standard set of 12 pens with different sizes, the smallest is used to draw eyelashes, beard, hair; medium-sized pens for painting eyes, nose, lips and for writing; The largest type is used to color the clothes, contours, bodies and frames... An important thing in the profession of painting worship of the Dao people is to choose the date of the beginning of the pen, choose the day of the zodiac, dragon fruit, happy birth, The three days match the age of the painter. It takes about 3 to 4 months to paint a set of pictures. After the painting is finished, a ceremony must be performed to clear the picture for the set and hang it in order and position of the great saint, the small saint, taking the ancestral altar as the center, the new altar paintings are hung to the sides. After the inauguration ceremony, the new set of worship paintings became effective and used in rituals.

The profession of making worship paintings of the Red Dao people reflects many historical, cultural, artistic, artistic and educational values ​​to meet the cultural needs of the community and is always present in important events. of the great rituals of the Red Dao people. The products of the worship paintings have unique aesthetic value, so in addition to the inherent function of the paintings, each picture sheet itself is also a work of art with the characters named in the paintings.

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